Hey guys and gals. I have been doing some research on former sites where they have found some big meteorites that are cataloged in the Meteorite Encyclopedia (link is on this site) by using the The Meteoritical Society Database (link also found here on site) database. You will need Google Earth installed as well, to do this. You open the database, and begin your search by typing in your State in the Search box, the some other parameters of your choice. Like your country and the type of meteorites, you want find out if any in our area. I usually go for them all. Make sure under the Type of Display choose Google Earth, then go back to where you entered your State into the SEARCH BOX and click on SEARCH. You will find a list of all the biggies for your state.
You can then find one that interest you and to the right there will be a little earth ball, click on that and give your PC a moment to load in the exact coordinates for the site. Google Earth will go right to it. Wow! Neat huh?
Then you can play with it, tag it, look at the area closer, make video flights over the area,, familarise yourself where you would like to go hunt. I have already done a bunch of terrestial research on my first areas, and want to post some of the great pictures I saved to take with me when I go.
So Enjoy this little tip, and have fun.
I have chosen two places I would like to hunt this summer. Here they are. Be sure to click on the photograph itself for a larger view. The bottom of each photo contains latitude and longitude information, altitude, etc.
The First One is the Meteorite Found On Sandia Mountain, back doors to where I am
This is Glorieta Mountain, New Mexico, if you like I will share a reference for a video of a hunters trip here and his success. He made a little over $4,500 in a day with the meteorites he found.
Here's a shot of Sanda from not even as far back yet as Interstate 25. Long hike huh? Actually there are some jeep roads and trails that go almost to the base of the mountain. Now I need to find out some answers to some questions. Who owns the land and alas get permission to go for the hunt this summer! Make sure you know before you go, and prepare for anything, bad weather, getting lost, emergencies, and make sure you have proper clothing, tent, sleeping bag, food and lots of water. Make sure everyone knows where you are going before you head out. Family, Spouse, Children and officials (police, forest rangers, etc.) if any in the area. Be safe, have fun and most of all come home with some rocks.
Anyway, Thought I would share these, if you interested in some video from Google I did on getting there and back from the Interstate, send me an email.
Enjoy... send me some of your Googles for your state and I'll post em.
Doctor J.